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All organisations are exposed to foreign exchange risk on a daily basis even if they don't realise it.


Even with adequate people and technological resources it is a challenge to manage proactively. The unprepared often experience volatility in cash flow, earnings and valuation due to unhedged FX risk and can lose competitive advantage due to long-term shifts in rates.


Our extensive experience in capital markets and FinTech can help you understand market developments, manage risk and find the optimal technological solution:


Key Capital has relationships with FX liquidity providers across all major currencies.


Sourcing of technology solutions to help you quantify, manage and report currency risk.


Research and coaching to ensure you operate with best practice and achieve targets.


1. Quantify FX risk in your business.

2. Understand market movements.

3. Manage proactively using FinTech.

4. Achieve best rates of FX trades.

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